Breathwork & Yoga

  • MONTHLY Breathwork Circles

    Be a part of this unique and moving experience.

    Join NEXT circle

    These public by-donation sessions open with a description of our time together, directions for the deep-rhythmic ACTIVE Breathwork pattern we will use and guided grounding to begin.
    * Additional breathing options to adjust and personalize your experience can be offered as well.
    What you may feel:
    creativity, inner-wisdom connection & clarity, vision, deep compassion & life-FOCUS!

    * Virtual (Zoom) sessions
    75 mins. * Donation Range $20-50
    If experiencing financial barriers ~ please Register for free or pay-what-you-can

  • The SOLO - All for YOU.

    Let’s customize an experience to match your unique needs & goals.
    We create together ~ PRIVATE 1:1 sessions
    may include a choice or blend of:
    variety of Breathwork patterns
    Yoga (choice of styles) & Meditation,
    Music, intention setting and a relaxing
    ‘Journey to Rest’ to create a positive shift in your sense of well-being.

    * An accessible and empowering approach to learning modifications to suit your body's uniqueness.
    * Develop a better understanding of the fundamentals of a practice(S) and its applications in everyday life.
    * Feel calm, confident and strong when practicing alone or in a group setting.

    ~ Durations offered are 60, 75 or 90 minutes
    * Online or in-person sessions $130+ *

  • Private circle

    Do you have someone you would like to share this experience with?
    These sessions support partners, friends, & family and are great for team building.

    An opportunity to explore individually & with a shared intention or theme in mind.
    Deepen your connection and allow space for a powerful experience.

    Partner (2) $175+
    My Circle (3+) Email to inquire

  • Gift & Packages

    GIFT Certificates ~ A beautiful way to give

    Release PACKAGES ~
    ~ Release stress, shift perspective, grace and inner clarity. ~ To build, shift and integrate over time

    choice 3 or 5 sessions available

THANK YOU Shayla! I really feel so supported and safe through our sessions. Also, your music, your voice, and your guidance, WOW! So calming and such a lovely presence
— Jenn McGinn

find Shayla in the wild





MODO YOGA north Vancouver